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April 17, 2006
City of Vancouver cuts funds to
implement their Ethical Purchasing Program
Just over a year ago the City of Vancouver
became the first Canadian city to approve an Ethical Purchasing Policy to
ensure that city apparel is produced under fair working conditions. The
City assigned one full-time staff person to enforce the policy. The
Vancouver policy is seen as a model by other cities and No Sweat activists
across Canada.
A few days ago, Vancouver’s new City Council gutted the landmark Ethical
Purchasing Policy. Even though a report by staff indicated that the City
had actually saved money on apparel purchases since the policy was
adopted, the Council voted to leave the policy guidelines in place, but
cut the necessary funding for a staff member to enforce the policy.
“Without staff resources to implement and oversee the city’s ethical
purchasing policy, the program has been reduced to an empty gesture,”
stated Miriam Palacios, spokesperson for the BC Ethical Purchasing Group,
who campaigned to achieve the original policy.
The BC Ethical Purchasing Group is asking for Vancouver City Council to
revisit the issue and restore the resources required to continue with this
important project.
As a model for other Canadian cities currently considering Ethical
Purchasing Policies, the effective implementation of Vancouver’s policy
must be maintained and enhanced.
Requested Action:
Please write a letter to the Mayor of Vancouver and ask that Council
restore the resources to enforce their Ethical Purchasing Policy. We also
ask that the Vancouver City staff investigate opportunities to collaborate
with other municipal jurisdictions in implementing their Ethical
Purchasing Policies.
A model letter and addresses can be found below. Please write your own
letter and send copies to MSN.
* * * * * *
Dear Mayor Sullivan;
I am writing from [INSERT YOUR CITY/TOWN] to urge you to reinstate the
funding to implement Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy.
Vancouver’s policy is an outstanding example of a city using its tax
dollars to protect the most disadvantaged rather than to subsidize
unethical practices. Properly enforced, Vancouver’s policy will uphold
internationally-recognized standards in the apparel industry. It will
protect honest suppliers from unethical competitors who undercut their
prices by exploiting workers.
Without enforcement, Vancouver’s policy will not achieve the goals for
which it was adopted.
In adopting your Ethical Purchasing Policy you provided a model for
municipalities across Canada to follow. I know that a number of Canadian
municipalities are currently following Vancouver’s lead and preparing to
adopt ethical purchasing policies of their own. Cutting back the
enforcement of Vancouver’s policy sends a negative signal to other
Canadians who are trying to do the right thing and look to Vancouver’s
Please reinstate the funding for staff to enforce Vancouver’s Ethical
Purchasing Policy and restore Vancouver’s reputation as a city that is
committed to upholding workers rights.
I understand that Vancouver city staff reported that the costs of
implementation in the past year were less than originally anticipated, and
that Vancouver actually saved $14,000 last year on apparel when
implementing the EPP.
Rather than cutting staff to reduce costs, perhaps it will be possible to
identify future savings and give increased effect to the Policy by
instructing Vancouver City staff to investigate opportunities to
collaborate with other municipal jurisdictions in Canada and the United
States in implementing their Ethical Purchasing Policies.